
DreamOS – Complete OS UI – v3.0.0 Changelog


Changelog v3.0.0

V3 is a huge update. It’s basically a remake, many components rewritten from scratch and many new features are also added. Not every change will be included in this log, but you can find some of the key changes here.

[New Stuff]

  • Added built-in localization support (beta)
  • Added new ‘Game Hub’ app
    ⮡ ⠀Simple hub to play pre-made games within DreamOS
  • Added multi-tab support to Web Browser
    ⮡ ⠀It’s now possible to open and manage multiple tabs
  • Added ‘Remember Tabs On Launch’ option to ‘Web Browser’
  • Added ‘Timeout Duration’ option to ‘Web Browser’
    ⮡ ⠀Shows the cannot be reached page within the duration
  • Added ‘Page Size’ option to ‘Web Library’
    ⮡ ⠀Set different loading times/sizes for each page
  • Added ‘Wallpaper Object’ component
    ⮡ ⠀Assign current wallpaper to any custom object
  • Added ‘Wallpaper Library Container’ component
    ⮡ ⠀Spawn a list of wallpaper library to any transform
  • Added ‘Resize Anchor’ option to ‘Window Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Select the anchor point of window resizing
  • Added ‘Min Window Size’ option to ‘Window Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Adjust the minimum window size that you can set (%)
  • Added 6 different modular animation componments
    ⮡ ⠀Image Fading, Image Pulse, Rect Depth, Shiny Image, Spinner, UI Popup
  • Added modular window panel indicator
    ⮡ ⠀Smoothly adapts itself when switching between panels
  • Added navbar animation curve parameters
    ⮡ ⠀Adjust navbar animation shape/smoothness
  • New button workflow
    ⮡ ⠀Control all parameters easily using a single component
  • New panel/navbar button workflow
    ⮡ ⠀Control all parameters easily using a single component
  • Added click and hover sound options to specific components
  • Added ‘help’ options to ‘Commander’
  • Added ‘Month Data’ options to ‘Date & Time Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Change month day count for each item
  • Added ‘Use System Time’ option to ‘Date & Time Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Sync DreamOS time with the OS time
  • Added ‘Boot On Enable’ option to ‘Boot Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Start boot process immediately on gameobject enable
  • Added ‘Fade Speed’ option to ‘Boot Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Set reboot/shutdown fade speed
  • Added ‘Accent Color’ options to ‘Music Player Data Item’
    ⮡ ⠀Get and set the accent color of the cover texture
  • New music player now playing panel
  • New Notepad Manager workflow
    ⮡ ⠀It’s now managed by lists/arrays, rather than scriptable objects
  • Added ‘Show Note On Enable’ option to ‘Notepad Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Opens the first note item on enable
  • New Photo Gallery Manager workflow
    ⮡ ⠀It’s now managed by lists/arrays rather than scriptable objects
  • New Video Player Manager workflow
    ⮡ ⠀It’s now managed by lists/arrays, rather than scriptable objects
  • Added a new data/save component ‘DreamOSDataManager’
    ⮡ ⠀Read, write or check any data using json
  • Added ‘Network Container’ component
    ⮡ ⠀Spawn a list of network items to any transform
  • New Widget Manager workflow
    ⮡ ⠀It’s now managed by lists/arrays, rather than scriptable objects
  • Added ‘Cursor Manager’ component
    ⮡ ⠀Change cursor settings and assign custom cursor textures
  • Added ‘Enable UI Blur’ option to ‘UI Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Enable or disable the effect (works with built-in rp only)
  • Added ability of creating dynamic reminders to ‘Reminder Manager’
    ⮡ ⠀Create or delete reminders at runtime


  • There are hundreds of method and function changes all over the place, it’d take several pages to put them all here
    ⮡ ⠀More information and updated methods can be found on: https://docs.michsky.com/docs/dreamos/

[Improvements & QoL]

  • Added tooltips to most editor parameters
  • Improved ‘BSOD Manager’ workflow
  • Improved ‘Boot Manager’ workflow
  • Improved ‘Music Player Manager’ workflow
  • Improved ‘Notification Manager’ workflow
  • Improved ‘Reminder Manager’ workflow
  • Improved ‘Widget Manager’ workflow
  • Improved ‘Web Browser’ workflow
  • Improved timed event workflow
  • Improved custom editor layout
  • Merged ‘Keystroke Manager’ with ‘UI Manager’
  • Merged ‘Downloads’ app with ‘Web Browser’ (for easy management)
  • Merged managers with associated apps (for easy management)
  • Migrated ‘Reboot Manager’ into ‘Boot Manager’ to avoid confusion
  • Migrated from PlayerPrefs to JSON for almost all data components
  • Optimized pretty much all components and scripts
    ⮡ ⠀You should now get twice as fast performance stats (compared to 2.x) and much cleaner code structure

Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/dreamos-complete-os-ui-253244?aid=1100lkbDq